Being able to realize the goal of acquiring the house or property of your dreams is an accomplishment that can only be achieved through the input of various professionals. If you where a citizen during the stone age era you could make do with simply hewing a cave because back then there was no need of an estate agent to furnish available properties in the market or a lawyer to attend to the change of ownership when a piece of real estate is sold.  But this is the twenty first century we live in  different days. You need various professionals to attend to different aspects of property because one does not necessarily have all the skill required in bringing about a finished house, factory or building. Therefore, you critically need knowledge about each of these people's credibility, legitimacy, grade of skill etc. Remember they say knowledge is power and for every gap that exists in your knowledge about any critical issue there is the notorious con man lurking in shadows and ready to utilize such loopholes through fraud. To this end I have designed a blog where all professionals who have a role to play in property, you know professionals like real estate agents, property developers, construction companies, mortgage financiers, conveyancors, estate  agents,  to mention only a few can converge to give comprehensive information to others and in the process people will have access to the entire spectrum of professionals devoted to real estate. 



Usually property fraudsters are people with extensive involvement in the selling of houses or real estate for criminal purposes. If you are a layperson selling his or her property chances are high that you are already beaten by these people's schemes from the word go. This article endeavors to help you by giving some tips based on age old practice that lawyers have effectively implemented, safeguarding sale proceeds even in the face of these hungry predators. More ...


Value appreciation of immovable property is one of the biggest motivators for investing in real estate. It means harvesting good profits through capital gains or higher rental income to property owners and more commission to estate agents.   A depreciation in value means the opposite – a   lose of equity, profit or commission. Value appreciation being this important therefore, techniques that allow investors to positively influence the perception of value in the eyes of the market are welcome. Here are three worthy of consideration and these are perimeter walling, landscaping and a paint finish called eggshell.More...

My Inspiration

I was born with a natural talent for creativity and over the years it has manifested itself through various formats depending with my level of education or training at the time. I remember during my early childhood using clay soil to mould cattle.  After the clay dried I and my friends enjoyed engaging the “ bulls” in fights and the one whose horns would break first would have lost. After the bulls of mud my creativity found new ways of expression in drawings usually of famous wrestlers like the Ultimate Warrior when the Zimbabwean education system taught me how to use a pencil as a grade one pupil in the early 90s. But in recent times I managed to integrate writing, information technology and nine years of real estate experience in a creative mix that gave birth to Property Matters News a property focused blog driven by the theme “ My Passion, Your Wildest Dream”.  

Ladies and gentlemen, from a creative background rooted in moulding bulls of mud I therefore, present to you Property Matters News ! Success in life is never complete if you do not have a place you call home. Kids can never be happy if they do not have a place where they can freely play. The love of your life can never be as such if there isn’t a place where love can nestle. Property matters ! I believe that this site will be worthwhile to you as it has been to many in as far as property is concerned. I always endeavour to make your access to Property Matters News easy I have therefore, created a mailing list so that you can  receive its regular articles in your inbox also. Kindly leave your email address on Property Matters News’ GET AN EXPERT pop up widget’s LEAVE DETAILS section and I can enlist you if you are interested. Please also know that your shares to your own profiles and any form of social media support like liking the website is priceless therefore, greatly appreciated! Lets always be in touch on social media. Here are various Property Matters News accounts;

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